Big thanks to Elisa Da Conceiçao for her wonderful testimonial, and for congratulating my company Wave Genome LLC with the 10-year Anniversary! I have founded Wave Genome in 2009 in opposition to the project by David Shaw, Professor of Computational Biology of the Columbia University, and his Hedge Fund DE Shaw Group for making a Superman (Super Soldier) as a DNA computer (and gathering extraordinary employees of any profession as blood donors). I am opposing Dr. David Shaw, because he violates the Wave Optics of Chromosomes. I have created my Fundamental Theory of Wave Optics in Chromosomes in 1985, as theory of the Nonlocal Wave Crystals (crystalline structures of wave fronts) with Refraction Codes, prior to anybody in the field. In 2009, I have applied my theory of Wave Optics (of the Quantum Nonlocality) to Genetics, as Wave Optics in Chromosomes, starting my company — WAVE GENOME. Nobody before me spoke of Wave Optics in Chromosomes, being Nonlocal Bioholograms, each with its own unique Refraction Code.

Теги других блогов: Wave Genome LLC Wave Optics Chromosomes